Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mud Bath!

On Thursday evening, I was watering the plants and cleaning our little backyard and the boys started playing in the dirt and carrying over water to make mud. Pretty soon I took off Kade's clothes and just let them have some boy fun! I loved just watching them spread mud all over each other.

Gila Temple

Last weekend, I was so grateful we were able to get away to go to the Gila Valley Temple open house. We went up Friday evening and made it to the Spring Sing with Janae and Julianne; Matt was in the choir. I love going to those, they always do such a great job. Janae and Matt let us stay in their little home and gave us their bedroom; they slept in the living room. We fell in love with their home. It was just so cute and cozy and homey. We stayed up with them and Julianne and Connor (friend living with Uncle Wick and Aunt Lynn) playing Dominion and eating chips and salsa. The next morning, we woke up to a hot breakfast Matt made; waffles, hashbrowns, eggs, strawberries. It was so good and nice of them to do that. Thank you Janae and Matt, we had so much fun! Kade was crying and really did not want to leave their house. Later that morning we went to the open house. It was so beautiful, the chandeliers were amazing. I'm so glad we took the time to go. I was amazed at how well the kids did. When Kade saw the chandelier in the Celestial room he called it a Christmas tree because of the way it's big at the bottom and then comes to a point. It was cute. Bryson, of course, loved looking at the water in the baptismal font. When Kade first saw the temple he first pointed out Angel "Boroni"! He loves pointing him out, and no matter how hard we try, we can't get him to say Moroni. The "M" words I can think of right now is "Boroni, Byreel, and Balaya."

Random March/April Pictures

We were in Ajo for my birthday, and to help clean my parents yard, and for the men to help with the rodeo that night. It was so fun to have lots of siblings there too; Julianne, Nelson and Kelsey and Esther and Jesse, Carolyn came for the day, and Janae and Matt came the next day. We had so much fun. And of course, my mom made my birthday so special and reminded me of the good old days. She sent me back to bed so she could make a hot breakfast, then my dad led everyone in singing to me in bed. She made my favorite cake, hawaiian layered cake, mmmm! It was awesome! Glen surprised me and gave me the "Dominion" game! Which I really wanted and love to play! On the box he wrapped it in, he put "Love, Glen, Kade, Bryson, and BABY!" And that's how we announced #3!!!
This was in Ajo, Kade wanted to get dressed and this is what he came out wearing; Bryson's clothes! Too funny. He's wearing the shirt when we announced for Baby Bryson. It's actually been kind of funny the past few times we've gone out of town and Kade goes to get his clothes, he'll come back with Bryson's clothes because he remembers himself wearing them, so he thinks they're his.
He looks like he just woke up.
Bryson, Konnor, Kade, Kaitlyn, and Anika playing in the little pool.
Dancing with Caylin and Dallin.
I don't know if he was sleep walking or what, but we had already put the boys to bed and later when we went upstairs to go to bed we found Kade on the top of the stairs asleep.

Bryson playing with the marble tower.
I had made garden boxes with the scouts earlier that day, and so Kade wanted to make one with daddy. By the way, Kade absolutely loves the scouts. I'm over the 8 year old Wolves, only 4 of them, and Kade knows all their names and during the week when he's making up stories he'll use them as characters. It's so cute.
Kade found a little hummingbird on the sidewalk on his way to Cara's house. Cara and the kids ended up taking care of it. It was so cute, and so neat to watch it drink the sugar water. I think they named her Lily.

Camping at Coon's Bluff

It seems like at least once a year we end up camping at Coon's bluff, mostly because it's close and it has water by. This time, in March, we came with Dad Jackson and Glen's cousin Nick.
Down by the river. I was going crazy trying to keep Bryson out of the water, so Glen tied his pants to a tree behind. As you can see, he's trying to get as close as he can while his pants are pulling off.
Kade practicing to fish. A little later, he actually got in the water and the current pulled him under between that rock Nick's on and Glen. Glen fortunately was able to grab him quickly, but Kade was wet and cold. Just a little scary.
This is Dad repelling. We met a guy who was a regular at repelling and had all the equipment. He was so nice to let us all go down several times, he was even going to let us use it the rest of the afternoon, but we had to go. It was so much fun. I haven't been since college at EAC, which was like 7 years ago.
Me. The first part is the scariest.
Dirt entertains boys for hours.
Bryson literally was rolling in the dirt, and Kade loved to make mountains.

Random February Pictures

Picnic with Caylin and Dallin. My boys love playing with them every Friday.
Kade, Kaia, and Brooklyn looking at the pregnant cow at the zoo. She was due any day. She was huge and looked like she couldn't get up. (I know how that feels).
After the zoo on the way home.
Kade being silly with his camping chair cover.
We were at Grandpa Newell's birthday party at the park, it was so cold and rainy, and so grandpa had a little heater by him. Kade walked by and swiped his hand on it and got burned. It was so sad. He still has a little scar.
This is where Dallin fell asleep, on the floor with a bunch of pillows Kade and Caylin set up. Too cute.
Kade loves playing and wrestling with his buds, Nick and Ben. Every time Kade gets their outgrown clothes he'll smell them (because they're always so clean and crisp) and say "It's Nick and Ben's." The Friday before conference we went to Nick's baptism, and the next week I took Kade and Konnor to the pool and Kade said "Konnor lets get baptized" and then he jumped in. It was so cute.
These legos are also from Nick and Ben. He loves them. These are his horses and below are just a couple of his variations of airplanes. I love it when he shares his creations with Bryson, but then I have to watch out for the screams when Bryson is trying to destroy them.

Our Little Garden

In February, we finally started our first little garden. We had a billion pieces of wood we took down from our porch that we used to build our above ground boxes. I have to say I was very proud of myself using the big saw and drill. I made the square box in the dirt and the small box with the white flowers, Glen made the big rectangle one. I love them. As of now we have only eaten the spinach and cilantro out of our garden, but we're starting to have red tomatoes, and our squash is growing. The only thing successful in the square box has been the cilantro, everything else started to grow and then went to a stand still. I don't know what the deal is. I love going outside and looking at the new blossoms and water the plants. I don't know if it will last in the heat though. As you can tell by the after pictures, things are already dieing. We're still experimenting and hopefully over the years we'll have good success. We planted red bell peppers, carrots, beats, spinach, squash, cucumbers, green onions, cilantro, a strawberry plant, tomatoes in the topsy turvy.

Before picture in February.
After picture in May.

Just havin' Fun

Back in February, Glen started putting away his camping stuff and this is what ended up happening. The kids absolutely loved sliding down out of our bedroom window into the living room, and kept running back for more.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kade's New Trick

Earlier tonight Kade was doing some tricks on his scooter he got from Christmas!
I have to say he's pretty awesome!
I love this video. The flip was not part of his trick, but made a good video! You can hear Bryson in the background saying "ow, ow!" Too funny.