Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I'm so excited! I love this time of year!!! And it always starts November 1!!! As you can tell, I have put Christmas music on my blog now. Ever since I can remember we have always started listening to Christmas music right after Halloween, Nov. 1!!! We looked forward to it every year, and it was like a sin if you listened to it before that date! :0) It was always a competition who turned it on first. I remember several times my Uncle Wick would call early in the morning and tell us he has his music on, do we? I have to admit, I have sung a few songs during the year, and I did watch a Christmas Elmo and Elf this summer, but I officially started listening to Christmas music this last Sunday and I LOVE IT! Anyways, that's my blurb for the day! Turn your music on!!!