Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Annual Jackson Reunion

August 29th we went to the annual Jackson reunion at "the ranch" in Clay Springs. Glen's Uncle Dennis and Aunt Iona always do such an AMAZING job fixing all the meals for the family. It is always GOOD eatin'. Some families come camp on the ranch the night before, but Glen got off work late and was too tired to drive so we did a one day trip. Early morning to late night, but it was worth it. I think it is so important to go to reunions and stay connected to extended family. I've enjoyed visiting and getting to know Glen's extended family every year. Here's a few pictures from the day.
I like this picture of Bryson and Grandpa Lowell.
All the kids took turns riding the horse.
We had lots of fun volleyball games.
With the wind it got pretty cool, but the kids still did a slip n slide.
It is not a Jackson event until there is some random competition. This time it was holding a sledgehammer, about 8 lbs., straight out with your arm. You could do it to the side or in front and hold it however you want. Glen's cousin's husband, Boon, won, Glen got second. This picture does not show all the funny faces Glen started to make towards the end of his time as he was straining to hold it up, it was funny. I did it for 2 minutes, which for not working out I was pretty happy.

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